Monday, December 30, 2019

Delta Airlines Organizational Behavior - 3537 Words

Delta Air Lines: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Study Group Research Paper Management and Organizational Behavior School of Business and Mass Communication Delta Air Lines: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow A company must have a clear vision for success in order to succeed: a realization of what has worked for the company in the past, an understanding of the standing of the company today, and a vision for where the company will be heading tomorrow. Delta Air Lines is the epitome of a company that realizes what it takes to succeed with a clearly defined pathway to operational successes. Delta’s road to operational success has been a journey for the company; ever-changing and consistently moving forward. Through trails and reevaluation,†¦show more content†¦The perception and expectations of the flight attendants was constantly changing. For years prior to the civil rights movement, Delta imposed strict rules on the women to include prohibition of children and marriage fearing such would interfere with work. As an added bonus, Delta used the womens availability as a way to lure businessmen to fly with Delta to be able to pick up eligible women (Whitelegg, 2011). According to one flight attendant, being associated with the airlines turned out to be a happy hunting ground for marriage partners for lots of young men and women with healthy hormones and honorable intentions† (Whitelegg, 2005, p.16). Recognizing this, the image of the flight attendants become provocative as their uniforms became less formal. However, women still found their jobs were liberating because they were breaking the traditional model and perception of womens place in society. Deltas corporate social responsibility was not questioned because the social etiquette for young women during this time was to get married. According to Nelson amp; Quick, ethical conduct at the individual level can translate into social responsibility at the organizational level (p.60). As the United States culture changed from a society primarily dominated by whiteShow MoreRelatedCustomer Service And Cargo Operations1421 Words   |  6 PagesOperations, said. â€Å"We appreciate the hard work of our employees and think the SkySpa will add real value to the airport work environment† (as cited in Thomas, 2015, para 8). Providing such an atmosphere and a place of retreat for their employees shows that Delta cares about the health and well being of their staff. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Black Mirror, By Suzanne Collins, And Harrison Bergeron Essay

Technology has made numerous positive contributions to society in a very short period of time. Although, it also has a way to be intrusive and frightening. Three in class stories that display the fictional victimization of lower status people through technology are: â€Å"Repent, Harlequin!† said the Ticktockman by Harlan Ellison, Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. A Netflix series and British television program called Black Mirror by Charlie Brooker also expresses many of the same recurring themes of technological based exploitation in Episode 2 ‘Fifteen Million Merits’. There are multiple overlapping themes between these four pieces of work and today’s society. The description of Black Mirror episode 2: ‘Fifteen Million Merits’ is â€Å"In the near future, everyone is confined to a life of strange physical drudgery. The only way to escape is to enter the Hot Shot talent show and pray you can impress the judges.† Each member of this fictional world must earn points by watching forced programming such as the reality show ‘Hot Shot’, and riding a stationary bike that powers this technology based world. The points pay for food, personal hygiene products, and different applications and channels that they can play on the screens throughout the building and cells they are confined to. However, some of the programs force you to watch. One example is a pornographic program called â€Å"Wraith Babes† that will demerit points if you do not allow it to

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Central African Republic Free Essays

Central African Republic is the landlocked country located in the center of Africa. The country lies largely in the savanna zone of Africa. The north part is treeless, whereas the southern portion of the country contains dense tropical rainforests. We will write a custom essay sample on Central African Republic or any similar topic only for you Order Now The climate is too bad and moist because it covered with waterways and mountains. The population of the country is moderately populated. Agriculture is the largest sector and basis of Central African Republic because it situated on a fertile pleatue and abundant in water resources. So, in upcoming paragraph I will explain the population growth, components of population growth, total fertility rate, life expectancy and population pyramid of the Central African Republic in the year 1997, 2017 and 2037. In 2017 the population of the Central African Republic is increasing because the death rate is low constant and low during this year. On the other hand the birth rate is also decreasing but still higher than the death rate. According to, demographic transition theory the country is in phase 3 which is called transitional stage. Demographic transition is a model of population change in which high birth and death rates are replaced by low birth and death rates (Knox, Marston and imort .p.g.90). This happens due to improvements in hygiene (e.g. Availability of clean water and basic sanitation), nutrition and health services. Besides the decreasing birth rate; the population is still high due to the change in family pattern and also government spend less money on child benefits and maternal grants. The most common way for demographers to graphically represent the composition of the population is an age-sex pyramid, which is a representation of the population based on its composition according to age and sex. In an age-sex pyramid of Central African Republic there is baby boom appears in all the three years. Moreover, there is high fertility rate and low mortality rate in all three years. The average life expectancy (average no.of years a member can expect to live at current death rates.) of the people is 70 years and the death rate is approximately same in all the three 2037 there is high dependency rate as compared to other years because there is more people in the youth charot than the people in the working class.(census, bureau). As according to population pyramid graph of the Central African Republic they predict that In 2037, there will be high population in the age group of 0-14 as compared to the other age group because birth rate seems to be increasing in the years 2017and 2037 and due to this there is more people in younger age group as compared to working class.Similarly,in 2037 this younger age group grow up and join the workforce but still there is high population in younger age group and consistency appears in the people of old age group. And due to this there is high dependency rate in the year 2037(census bureau). A demographic transition is a â€Å"model of population change in which high birth and death rates are replaced by low birth rate and death rates† (Knox, Marston Imort pg.90). According to demographic transition theory in 2017, Population of Central African Republic lies in transitional phase (phase 3). Population trend increase in the year 2017 whereas birth rate and death rate decrease. Total population of demographic republic was 5,625,118 and its birth rate was 34.3 and death rate 13.2 this is because of industrialization. Most people focus on their carrier and they believe in family planning because due to industrialization life become more expensive.(census, bureau) Economic: Subsistence agriculture, together with forestry and mining, remains the backbone of the economy of the Central African Republic (CAR), with about 60% of the population living in outlying areas. The agricultural sector generates more than half of GDP. Timber and diamonds account for most export earnings, followed by cotton. Important constraints to economic development include the CAR’s landlocked geography, poor transportation system, largely unskilled work force, and legacy of misdirected macroeconomic policies. Factional fighting between the government and its opponents remains a drag on economic revitalization. Distribution of income is extraordinarily unequal. Grants from France and the international community can only partially meet humanitarian needs (2018, economy and trade). Due to the poor facilities people are not able to survive longer and the population seems to be less in the old age group. Social: Gender equality is only a dream for women in the Central African Republic, although, in comparison to other countries in the sub-region, the country has made a lot of progress. Women are treated as inferior to men both economically and socially, and women in rural areas suffer more discrimination than their urban counterparts. About 60 to 70 percent of urban women attend primary school as opposed to 10 to 20 percent of their rural counterparts. As the CFR is the developing country there is equal participation of the male and females in workforce appears in the year 2017 and 2037 as compared to 1997( 2018,women in business). On the home front, the entire family is involved in infant care. Infants are traditionally weaned only when they are about two years. There are only a few childcare units, and Christian missionary schools typically operate them. Due to these facilities available to them they are able to have more child. In its survey of 191 countries, the World Health Organization ranked the Central African Republic’s health care system second from the bottom in overall performance. Medical facilities are extremely limited in the Central African Republic, and the quality of care is unreliable.  Sanitation levels are low, and drinking unfiltered tap water is inadvisable.  About 25 percent of funding for health care in the country comes from outside aid (2018, health care). Due to this people are unable to survive longer and their average life expectancy is less in all the three years. Environmental: Central African Republic is a landlocked country located north of the equator, in almost the precise center of Africa. The climate is largely tropical, however, there are differences between regions in the north and south of the country. In general the climate is hot with an average monthly temperature recorded in the capital, Bangui, of 25 °C (77 °F) or more all year-round(2018,climate). Due to bad climate condition there is less population in the tropical area. Over the next 15-20 years the biggest demographic challenge for this country is to increase the average life expectancy of the people so that the population growth is equal in all age groups. This is the biggest challenge because of poor health conditions and services and inadequate food distribution in society and as well as there is lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality rate ,high death rates and lower population growth going on currently in CFR. In the end, Central African Republic is progressing country and the government is working on providing better health and food facilities to the people and the population get balanced in all age groups in upcoming years. Due to this population will able to survive longer and more and more start joining the workforce. WORK CITED Central African Republic. (2018). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from Knox, P. I., Marston, S. A., ; Imort, M. (2015). Human geography: Places and regions in global context. Global Road Warriorâ„ ¢. (2018, October) Central African Republic: Economy and Trade. World Trade Press. Retrieved from;regionId=28;uri=country-content;nid=1.04;key=facts-economy Global Road Warriorâ„ ¢. (2018, October) Central African Republic: Women in Business. World Trade Press. Retrieved from;regionId=28;uri=country-content;nid=20.33;key=women-business Global Road Warriorâ„ ¢. (2018, October) Central African Republic: Climate. World Trade Press. Retrieved from;regionId=28;uri=country-content;nid=63;key=climate-overview U.S. Census Bureau.(2018). International Programs: International Data Base. Retrieved from How to cite Central African Republic, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Security and privacy issues in Internet of Things

Question: Discuss about the Security and privacy issues in Internet of Things. Answer: Introduction The world of technology is advancing at a tremendous speed. Every other day there is a specific technology being launched somewhere. Among the technologies that are taking the world by storm is the Internet of Things (IoT) (Gartner, 2013). In this paper, we explore more on the topic. Some research questions that will be answered in this include What is IoT? What are the security and privacy issues that are facing IoT? How are these issues being addressed? Which are some of the technologies being used in IoT? Overview of Internet of Things (IoT) What is IoT? Every day, a person, whichever part of the world they are in, uses a smart device. It might be a mobile phone, smart TV, a vehicle, camera etc. A smart device can be said to be anything that contains electronics, sensors, software and can be connected to a network (Gartner, 2013). The term IoT in this case refers to the interconnection of these 'things'. Once they are online they are able to collect and exchange data without any human intervention. In the recent years, terms such as smart homes have emerged and all this is because of IoT. Applications of IoT While this technology has seen extremely use in home, other fields have not been left behind. Some areas it has been incorporated include: Health sector-Every other second, the world is faced with a high number of people requiring medical attention (Kumar Patel, 2014). The problem is the field is faced with lack of enough expertise. To deal with this IoT has been incorporated in making systems that are used in remote monitoring of patients health, diagnosis and consequently the delivery of correct drugs to patients. Home automation- One is able to connect all objects they own ranging from appliances, automobiles to livestock. Retail shops- People no longer use bar codes to monitor the movement of their goods. With the onset of RFIDs (Radio Frequency Identification) and other devices, retail shop owners are able to monitor their stock and get real-time data to make necessary decisions. Hardgrave (2015). A perfect example is the use of IoT in Walmart Supply chain management. Industry automation - Industries are automating most of their processes to improve efficiency. Manufacturing and Logistics- Areas such as machine to machine interaction and tracking of goods in transit has been made better with IoT. Privacy and Security Issues in IoT Gartner (2013) oversees a world where more than 26 billion devices will be connected to the internet by the year 2020. Still, some researchers have taken this number a notch higher to 50 billion devices at the same time (Cisco 2016). This is a scary thought keeping in mind every other day the world is waking up to people being hacked, their identity stolen and such issues. Still, there will be huge amounts of data being produced every second and the world is yet to bring about applications to process this large amount of data effectively and efficiently (Xia, Yang, Wang Vinel, 2012). Below, we look at some of the issues facing IoT as far as both privacy of users and devices is concerned. Privacy Most of the smart devices used today collect at least one piece of personal information, say ID numbers, date of birth, names etc., from the user. Now, imagine all the devices you have that are connected to the Internet and just think of how much of you have put online. Scary, no? As if this is not enough, often this information is transmitted without encryption over networks. This should become a concern to every person. Hackers on the other hand couldn't have seen better days. From the rise of the Anonymous group and whistle blowers who are leaking confidential information (as seen just before the US general election where Hilary Clinton's past emails were aired to the public), its evident hactivism is taking shape and the privacy of the people has never been under attack more than today (Ntuli Abu-Mahfouz, 2016). On misuse of information, a classic example is where Politicians use the information you provided to your ISP to determine your location and frequently send you messages requesting you to vote for them. It leaves one wondering, if a mere politician can access this information, how many more dangerous people can access and use this information to harm you in some way. Security The current level of technology allows room for securing servers, personal computers, and other devices with the best security protocols and practices (Staff, 2015). However, the security of IoT devices is a tad hard to maintain seeing that it uses bi-directional communication whose security is still blossoming and seldom sufficient. Some security issues facing IoT include: Insecure web interface- Among the 10 top vulnerabilities outlined by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) have been fueled by insecure web interfaces found on most IoT devices. Insufficient authentication- The moment devices allow a user to login with a lame password such as 123456 or jeremy, means that hacking such a device is a piece of cake. Hacking Issues such as ramsomware, DDoS (Distributed Denial Of Service) attacks, identity theft and such, have been on the rise as a result of the availability of devices all over the internet. Problem with this is some devices are critical and when they are tampered with dire consequences result. E.g. a health monitoring system. In addition, the data they often hold is sensitive and can be used for malicious activities by notorious criminals. Security Measures Being Adopted in IoT Inasmuch as it seems almost impossible to secure IoT devices, there are measure that have (are) been put in place to ensure the security of these devices is maintained. Among them there is: End-to-end encryption To ensure end to end security, technologies such AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) are being integrated with the existing standards (Staff, 2015). This technology ensures than only those devices with encryption keys can transmit and decrypt data from the source device. Device status monitoring- Each and every device connected to the internet should have a way of monitoring their presence. If all of a sudden it goes offline, the owner should have a way of knowing immediately it stops submitting data and the reasons behind the sudden change in status (Kumar Patel, 2014). If it's say a smart TV, offline status could mean someone's tampering with it or there's power/ internet outage at home. IoT metadata tracking technology applies in this case. Education of the users Recent trends show that one of the main reason why most of these devices are prone to security attacks is because most of the users don't know how to set them up right. Educating the users on the threats and possible ways of keeping themselves safe has come in handy in reducing attacks and creating a better security informed generation. Ban on Open Inbound Ports in Devices- traditionally, these are the ports that have been used between communicating devices. The problem with them is they demand to be left open, always which created a vulnerability for intruders (talk of malware infections, DOS attacks, compromise in data etc.) to gain access. By not using these ports, and instead using outbound connections, security is guaranteed. End to end penetration test This test should be performed to identify early some of the vulnerability that could be existing in a given IoT device interface and appropriate mitigation measures applied. Token Base Access Control- In this technology, the network acts as a traffic cop in the sense that it determines which device can transmit data, with who and which devices are actually allowed on the network. Technologies Associated with IoT and their application in Real World IoT Analytics Given that these devices are producing immense amounts of data every second comes the need for systems to analyze this data and give useful information for major decision-making. E.g., a health monitoring system should be able to monitor the body activities of an individual and communicate any sudden changes that could signal an attack or onset of a disease. Distributed computing stream platforms (DSCPs) They process the high rate data streams provided by IOT devices to perform tasks such as pattern identification and real-time analytics. Business can use this technology to make market predictions (Jones, 2015). Conclusion The world has completely opened up to IoT. Each and every day more devices are being developed and even more are being connected to the internet. Its the reality at hand. There are so many benefits that have resulted from this interconnection. However, as seen in this research, this has brought about challenges and problems to the people with it. From hacking to data theft, challenges issues are getting worse by the day. The world thus needs to focus more on improving the security in IoT devices. Reference Gartner, J. R. (2013). Gartner Says the Internet of Things Installed Base Will Grow to 26 Billion Units By 2020. Kumar, J. S., Patel, D. R. (2014). A survey on internet of things: Security and privacy issues. International Journal of Computer Applications, 90(11). ISACA, C. (2015). 5, 2012. Jones, L. K. (2015). The insecurity of things: How to manage the internet of things (Doctoral dissertation, Utica College). Staff, F. T. C. (2015). Internet of Things: Privacy and Security in a Connected World. Technical report, Federal Trade Commission. Ntuli, N., Abu-Mahfouz, A. (2016). A Simple Security Architecture for Smart Water Management System. Procedia Computer Science, 83, 1164-1169. Xia, F., Yang, L. T., Wang, L., Vinel, A. (2012). Internet of things. International Journal of Communication Systems, 25(9), 1101. Glossary IoT- Internet of things DSCP- Distributed computing stream platforms AES- Advanced Encryption Standard RFIDs- Radio Frequency Identification DDoS- Distributed Denial Of Service