Thursday, October 31, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 141

Assignment Example en ways in which supply management has an impact on a firm’s sales are associated the following activities that integrate business management process across the supply chain. Customer relationship management, customer service management, demand management, order fulfillment, manufacturing flow management, supplier relationship management, product development and commercialization and management of returns, all of which determine market demand and production capacity of an organization. Support for strategic supply chain management has to come from the top management of an organization because of several reasons. Firstly, strategic processes require decisions from the top management because they relate to the main objectives of an organization. Secondly, strategic supply chain management involves application of various tactics that heave to be authorized by the top management. Lastly, strategic supply chain management incorporates operational decisions that also have to be directed by the top management because they relate to company objectives. Supply chain management position is important in organizational structure for two major reasons. To begin with, supply chain managers ensure that customer services are boosted hence increasing an organization sales. Secondly, supply chain managers ensure that an organization enjoys high profits by ensuring that product supplies are made quickly and using the most cost effective means. Many organizations use a hybrid approach to decision-making authority in their supply management in order to make informed decisions. In this case, the supply management authorities evaluate different alternatives available for organizations and then decide on one that ensures major objectives are attained. Cross functional teams are made up of stake holders with different skills within an organization. Therefore, individual members can contribute different ideas that can be used to enhance the value of products within an organization. In

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Research Investigation Essay Example for Free

Research Investigation Essay A research investigation on what specific skills an actor would need learn in order to convincingly portray the role of Silvio in Carlo Goldoni’s, A Servant of Two Masters. Carlo Goldoni wrote the comedy â€Å"Arlecchino servitore di due padroni†, which translates into modern English as The Servant of Two Masters, a commedia dell’Arte-style play. The performers of Commedia were often illiterate, and as such there was no point to write down scripts and record the performance, it was improvised and modified, preserving the aspects the audience found amusing and excluding those that were less successful. In this way, Carlo Goldoni’s writing down of the play strictly goes against commedia traditions, as it is not the way things were done when it was originally staged. Despite performing all their plays in Italian for the first twenty or so years, Commedia troops had phenomenal success, perhaps because the slapstick nature of their comedy mingled with its vulgar humor was relatively easy to follow. The themes of the play, including love, romance, deception and the status between masters and servants, combine to create an enjoyable and greatly comical performance. The play also scrutinizes social boundaries that were once present. Such as, the idea of a woman being dressed as a man this was much more controversial in the 1700’s and especially a woman who defeats a man in combat, as Beatrice (comes to Venice dressed as a man in search of her beloved Florindo, She is also a part of the first lover couple along with Florindo) defeats Silvio. Smereldina (the maid of Clarice, she is an extremely feisty and slightly bitter character who wants more than anything to find a man and get married) also confronts Silvio and scorns him, which is something unparalleled in that time, a woman of the serving class reprimanding a man of status. The play also explores the lengths people will go to for the sake of love, the hopelessness of Florindo (a man banished from his home in Turin for his murder of Federigo Rasponi, and the lover of Beatrice who comes in search of him) and Beatrice’s relationship to find each other, as well as commenting on the importance of never giving up hope, because as they are about to kill themselves they find each other again. This is also reflected in the many difficult predicaments Truffaldino (the servant of both Florindo and Beatrice, he is a mischievous, hungry man who is seeking ways to better himself, he is comic relief and also the main protagonist) finds himself in, as no matter how hopeless his situation looks, he keeps on envisaging himself getting out of his tricky situations and eventually he does get out of trouble. The behavior by those of the dominant class of the servants is a very noticeable theme of the time period, and an important social observation. The serving class of Truffaldino, Smereldina and the Porter (she carries the bags places at different times during the play and has a fairly rough time of it, carrying very heavy loads only to be ridiculed and left unrewarded for her labor) are regarded with little respect and trust throughout the entirety of the play. As the early performers of this play were more than likely lower class individuals, this play is an insightful parody of their own difficulties. Commedia dell’Arte is an Italian theater style, characterized by masked performers and improvised scenes based on simplistic scenarios. Carlo Goldoni categorized four elemental types of stock characters in Italian comedy: Pantaloon, a miserly Venetian merchant, easy to anger, disrespected by everyone and a born loser; Dottore, a pedantic lawyer-type from Bologna; Brighella, a serenading servant who enjoys thieving, and bragging; and Arlecchino, a basically thoughtless servant permanently in despair over unreturned love. A Servant of Two Masters is set in Venice in the 1700’s, and would have been performed by a travelling troop of commedia actors. As such, they would have had very limited set facilities, and their performances staged outdoors, meaning they would have to allow for surrounding noises such as wind when performing. Throughout this research investigation it will be delving into what specific skills I must learn in order to convincingly portray the role of Silvio in Carlo Goldoni’s, A Servant of Two Masters. There is a catch when one decides to take on the task and portray the role of Silvio in The Servant of Two Masters and that is that the comic instincts of a skilled actor need to conquer a tendency to be a servant to the text. It has been said that commedia is the riskiest form of comedy. That being said, it is worth the risk. When the flash of inspired improvisation hits an actor it is like a whirlwind and time seems to be in a complete interruption while a phenomenon takes place. Fortunately Goldoni’s writing is so perfectly composed and clinging to fundamental Commedia dell’Arte form that it allows one to understand how to perform below, within and around the text itself. Focusing on the lovers, they are the sons and daughters of characters who are also high on the social ladder; this is where Silvio finds himself in The Servant of Two Masters. The lovers in this play (Silvio and Clarice) are not only infatuated with each other they are extraordinarily infatuated with themselves. More often than not, they are only with one another because the other person makes them look better. They argue often, making a big melodramatic show out of their blubbering and attempting to top the others grief; yet they immediately make amends when they receive a flattering remark about their appearance. They speak in a distinguished, pretentious and flowery language: â€Å"If I could think that you desired my blood to avenge my supposed cruelty, I give it you with all my heart. But, oh God! Instead of the blood of my veins, accept, I beg you, that which gushes from my eyes.†(Goldoni 53) Silvio is traditionally costumed in the latest Italian fashions (since Italy is where Commedia originated) The Lovers elegant costumes were usually of the same color, just in case another couple of lovers was in the play too. This only reaffirms how much they were made for each other. Just like couples who wear matching outfits today. Given that Silvio is wealthy, he wears expensive clothes and jewelry, made of luxurious fabrics. Both Silvio and Clarice usually hold some kind of prop in their hand, most likely a letter to swoon over, or a handkerchief but this is of course the director’s choice. There is always a mirror somewhere on their body, being in a purse or pocket, or even hanging as a necklace around the actor’s throat. This is useful for admiring oneself, or in Silvio’s case for seeking out Clarice and adorning her through it. Unlike what most know Commedia dell’Arte to be known for the lovers do not wear masks. Rather, they wear quite a bit of makeup which in turn subsidizes as their mask. The term dreamer is a key way to understanding the lovers movement. Their feet are firmly on the ground, in a somewhat Ballet style position, but they lack firm contact with the earth because they lead with their chest and are heart heavy. Their arms are held out to their sides and curved. Their whole manner is very elegant and balletic, as they do not walk so much as glide. They never touch; to do so would cause them both to faint and or run away. It is sexually arousing for them to get very close without touching. They aren’t the brightest individuals so walking is somewhat of a challenge causing them to wobble, due to the uncertainty of their lack of contact with the ground. The posture that Silvio undertakes is that of compelling pride. His chest is naturally expanded and thrust out so that his heart essentially leads him, sometimes seeming to literally pull him across the stage. He points his toes while standing (like that of a ballet dancer), and when moving, he takes light, quick steps, giving himself a floating appearance. Overall, they simply lack contact with the ground. Their hand movements and gestures are very grand, expansive and expressive. Actors use the same dancing trainers as the wealthy individuals whom they are imitating in order to put emphasis on the absurdity of melodramatic behavior. There can be two sets of lovers in a Commedia dellArte play. The First set of lovers, usually more intelligent and serious, and the Second Lovers which in A Servant of Two Masters is Silvio and Clarice, usually whimsical and slightly silly. The second lovers in Goldonis A Servant of Two Masters are Clarice and Silvio. In research of the lovers when things are not going their way, they throw tantrums, pout, hurl insults while crying and whining. Their manner of dress and movement is highly stylized (more so than the First Lovers), making Silvio quite a narcissus. Silvio exists very much in his own world- and in his own world within that world. Self-obsessed and very selfish, he is more interested in what he is saying himself and how it sounds than in what his beloved Clarice is saying. He is primarily in love with himself, secondarily in love with love, and only without any doubt in love with his beloved. What he learns, if anything, from the tribulations of A Servant of Two Masters is the need to reverse these sickening priorities. Even though most of Silvio’s declarations would melt a heart of stone, there always seems to be a comic side to everything he says. One wonders if the explanation does not lie in the fact that love often robs the lover of all sense of his own logic, even though he may be the most rational of living men under ordinary circumstances. He does, however, come off better than most other Commedia characters: there is no viciousness in him, and less to be accused of – except for his vanity and narcissism. He represents the human potential for happiness, which is something that everyone is striving for. â€Å"Sir, I beg you, let everyone do as they will; do not be so put out about it. Now that I am happy, I want all the world to b e happy too. Is anyone else going to be married? Let them all get married†! (Goldoni 54) I have become conscious of the fact that the character of Silvio must be played as one that is over confident. He is very certain of himself and of his actions. He believes he is entitled to Clarice and is willing to fight to protect his property. Silvio is also quite protective, or even overprotective of those things which are important to him, or that he sees as belonging to him. He wishes to keep Clarice all to his own and have her within an area he feels he can keep safe. While he is protective of others, he himself shows little regard when placing himself in jeopardy. This is shows how dim witted his character truly is. The idea of defeat does not enter his mind and he is always on the front foot, unwilling to let others determine his actions, he is a very rash character. Patience is a virtue, apparently. Silvio often lacks any sense of patience which makes him a very irritable, anxious, angry and difficult to be around type of character. His shortage of patience makes him a rat her ignorant character. Silvio is always quick to act and often makes mistakes because of his unwillingness to listen to the advice or opinions of others. He is a man of action, and he needs for things to be occurring or he quickly loses any potential interest. He is quick to do battle regardless of the consequences, which shows how stupidly in love he truly is. His unwillingness to listen to an entire situation and process his next appropriate action, often get him into irresponsible situations. â€Å"†¦That wretch shall die, and my ungrateful Clarice shall see her lover wallowing in his own gore†. (Goldoni 26) Despite his quick anger and his tendency to solve his problems with violence, he is inconspicuously charming. Even though his unwillingness to listen too much besides the sound of his own voice, he is really just eager to please his lover Clarice. He has swept Clarice off of her feet and is the heartthrob of Venetian women. Some people settle down, and some people are just settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than the feeling of butterflies, which is exactly how Silvio feels towards Clarice. He is never slow to put himself in harm’s way. He is quick to action and has little caution for his own well-being when engaging in any sort of fight, or in anything else he does. He is a man to be admired when he is at his finest, even though he is willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. â€Å"I don’t care how old you are’ I have a mind to run you straight through the body†. (Goldoni 24) Through researching the character of Silvio it would be necessary to portray him as a man who struggles to hold himself in the position in which his status in society places him. He strives to be suave, cool and collected, but somewhat fights to maintain focus and is very quick to act, his actions usually end in anger and much turmoil. He is a powerful physical presence, and is one of formidable fighting skill, but is emotionally immature on many levels. His love for Clarice is one of his few genuinely mature emotions, and it is his motivation through the play. He is prone to rash, spontaneous actions, as well as to throwing tantrums such as a moody child would when things don’t go his way. This effectively suited the comedic aspect of the play while not deteriorating from the romantic story between Clarice and Silvio. â€Å"When we love we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too†. (Jeaulo Coelho)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analysis of Unethical Practices in Banking

Analysis of Unethical Practices in Banking The essence of this essay on management and ethics is to analyze the unethical practices in the banking industry with an aim of assessing the level of honesty in the banking activities as well as the extent to which they affect the ethical atmosphere in banks. A number of banking industry employees were interviewed, and a general conclusion that emerged in all the interviews indicated that there were various issues that required evaluation as well as. Foremost, the banking sector should to comply with the integrity principles, neutrality, dependability, transparency, social obligation, and finally on the control on money laundering. However, the manner in which this compliance is achieved arouses serious concerns as to whether it really exhibits the expected ultimate objective. Moreover, the management structure of the banking sector, like most other blue chip companies is very strict and hierarchical. In addition, the strictness results from the underlying principle of accountability, as well as transparency in the various operations within the banking industry. Nevertheless, the banking sector pays close attention to the ethical practices of various employees and customers partly as a way of creating a positive image to the public as well as to their regulators, and partly because of the need to offer services to customer in a manner that reflects ultimate respect for our creator (God). For instance, try to have an honest discussion with an employee regarding the various banking practices. in theory, the employee in question can indicate how much he/she values the ethical practices been implemented, but in terms of personal belief, a lot of employees will accept that they carry out some of those practices out of duty and not out of care for the society. T herefore, the role of this essay is to explicate the unethical issues in a bid to come up with proper recommendations. The Issue of information non-disclosure and interest rates determination Over the years, banks have undergone tremendous growth in many aspects of their operations, starting with the type of customers they deal with to the manner in which information is received, recorded, transformed, and finally used. Ultimately, banks have unraveled the whole mystery of discrimination as to what customers to offer services to or not by categorizing their clients in terms of their income structure. This classifying of customers is meant to assist in the decision making process as to what customer receives what treatment, but it is also meant to assist the banks in understanding the type of customers to offer better services to. Therefore, regulated by their policy of information non-disclosure, banks would obtain very crucial information about various customers (their age, sex, race, employment status, as well as income level) with a notion that they are adhering to the Know Your Customer policy. This information is supposed to be private and confidential. However, on c lose examination, one would realize that banks need such information to make decisions aimed at enabling them to remain in the global market while at the same time, maintaining their traditional banking principles. Consequently, the objective of this essay is to analyze the various unethical practices the employees of the bank practice, and their relevance to the community at large. Moreover, the unethical practices will be addressed in a manner that relates to ethical dilemma and decisions regarding management. Thus, to understand the conflict in terms of globalization and traditional practices, one needs to call to focus the approach exhibited by Thomas L. Friedman regarding the Lexus and the olive tree (2000). According to Thomas Friedman, the Lexus designates sustenance, affluence as well as modernization, development, computer technologies, and the burgeoning of the global markets (Friedman 51). In addition, all these principles represented by the Lexus are positive and very instrumental in the current global economy. However, on the other hand, the olive tree designates the attachment of individuals and societies towards their traditional comfort zones, or rather values of higher course; and this is where the ethical standards take presidency. Consequently, banks operate in an economy that is very volatile, and they need to ensure that various practices are done in the traditional banking manner, provision of financial services in a legal manner. This information is thus democratized, in the words of Friedman (81), and the level of privacy expressed to customers is thus questionable. This is because, they only way in which this information can be protected is by using access codes. However, any employee can be able to access this information based on whether he/she has this access codes or not. In addition, most employees in the banking industry would want to access customer information based on various reasons. One, employees are evaluated in terms of their performance to the bank; this requires that they obtain crucial information about customers in a bid to decide on what services to offer them or not. In so doing the employees end up violating the information privacy requirement that clients would wish to have. Secondly, because of the current market trends in the banking industry, services have been made available even to the lowest income earner in order for banks to exploit all possibilities in terms of lending and customer deposits. In addition, the sales team works diligently to acquire customers both in terms of deposits taking or loan advancement. Moreover, of great significance is the manner in which they obtain information about clients before they can influence them to accept the services offered by the banks. Information is actually retrieved from the database by whoever lays hands on access codes, and customers having good credit history, and huge income are contacted in order to take up loans or open up other accounts with the bank. Further, these customers are treated with respect and they are offered what has been termed as superior services, premium services. These services could range from dedicated management assistance, special separate banking premises, and other service s such as internet, meals, to name but a few. On the other hand, those customers with a lesser income level, their treatment is more general and the banks credit advance to them is highly scrutinized compared to the premium customers. A question that arises here is whether these activities are conducted in the view of the Lexus, or olive tree. On the one hand, the information obtained from customer plays a very significant role in enabling management to understand the nature of their customers in a bid to offer relevant services to them. For instance, a customer who has a higher income level could be given alternative solutions as to how he/she could better use his/her income effectively in order to generate more income. Well, this attitude implies that the bank would wish to enable the employee benefit from the global economy in terms of investment and finance. However, the manner in which this process is attained is through privacy violation, which again touches on the whole issue of values; are banks really promoting ethical values as they seemingly purport to show in their terms and conditions, or they are merely doing trying to convince customers? A question like this one could seem obvious but it is a triple bottom line question. In addition, it concerns the balance that is required between being ethically oriented and at the same time acting as a role model in the global economy. Another aspect of information disclosure relates to issuance of bank services to customers. This is done in a manner that customers should receive full information as to the commitment they are about to engage in. Besides, some information if well known to customers could send these prospective customers away from the banks. Nevertheless, withholding this information seems to be the only way out for banks to maintain their customer base. Therefore, bank employees tend to give customers critical information only when they request for it, and in case they do not, then this information is withheld. Which kind of information could banks withhold in order to maintain or attract customers? Information regarding bank charges, loan processing fees, salary processing fees, insurance coverage fees, loan payment default repercussions, interest rate computation information, to name but a few. Most of this information, if disclosed to some customers, could lead to disastrous results. Therefore, d riven by their desire to generate increased revenue and reduced costs, banks find it confortable to offer services to customers behind closed doors. Therefore, these behaviors arouse serious debate as to the role of the banking sector in promoting social wellbeing. Whereby, customers would like to maximize their utility of services from the banks, while banks on the other hand would want to maximize revenue in order to cater for the costs incurred in technology and other services rendered. Information disclosure does not have to relate to customers alone, but also to competitors. Nevertheless, there is some information which is so important to the progress of banks, and if this information goes to competitors, then the bank whose information has been violated, stands to loose. There have been instances of insider information ending in the hands of competitors without having a clue as to whoever supplied that information, and the impetus for doing so. This situation occurs in cases when some people are employed in some banks not because they want to work there but because they want to obtain important information about the organization in question. This has been deemed to occur in certain banks, which end up loosing customers because of their information usage by the competitor financial institution. On the one hand, this practice could be considered a business strategy, which could provide resourceful information for the management decision-making process. On the other hand, this could be deemed an unethical practice owing to the fact that such a practice violates banking practices of fair play. Another area of unethical endeavor is on the issue of interest rates determination. Whereby, banks usually operate in a manner that they use the base lending rates that stipulated by the banks governing body (Central Bank). These rates represent the lowest value possible for advancing loans to customers. However, banks also engender to generate maximum profits because that is their essence as business enterprises. Nevertheless, because of technological advancement, competition has become the most common war in the current society. Thus, in order for banks to come up with sound decisions pertaining interest rates, they call to focus many factors, which are of course logical. For instance, blue chip companies are given lower rates compared to the standard companies. Furthermore, companies are approved based on their performance over a certain period of time as well as their level business trend. Employees in these banks are encouraged to pursue those high-end customers, more than the r est. The banks management does not directly encourage employees to pursue high-end customers; they rather use reduced interest rates to lure these customers to obtain bigger credit from them so that the final interest rate value remains higher. On the other hand, customers with poor credit history, low-income level, and unknown business practices, are offered highly scrutinized services. For instance, their loan advancements are denied on various bases, but the bottom line is that these banks do not want to make commitments to individuals who might end up generating losses. However, when evaluating this trend from banks to offer credit to individuals with high credit worthiness, and deny credit to customer with low-income levels, issues of ethics come in. First, one could see these financial institutions offering services to individuals who do not take a damn about whether they are offered finances or not, while treating those who really need financial assistance with caution. An institution with greater social responsibility should not behave in a manner that contradicts their practices, but a balance has to be maintained between the two sides of ethics and development. Moreover, too much overreliance to ethics could lead to negligence on sustenance, opulence, technological advancement, and financial progress, which could as well offer more support to the society through social responsibility services. On the other hand, overreliance on globalization could lead to negligence of the ethical standard to treatment that banks are required to follow. The steps taken to protect customer information Information is a powerful tool for controlling individuals. Once one is in possession of crucial information, he/she can decide to do something drastic and detrimental to the other party concerned. Therefore, banks in line with the current technological advancement have fostered various mechanisms that offer more confidentiality that is appealing to its customers. This has been through the installation of new management information systems, which are highly structured and monitored. For instance, access codes are provided in a manner that each code offer access to a certain level of information to the banks employees. Employees at the top level of management are offered access to a wider range of information access because they are the major stakeholders in the decision making process of the companies. In addition, tactical level managers have authority to oversee the various progress reports of other employees. Thus, this form of management fosters accountability and responsibility in the manner in which employees treat customer information. Furthermore, this use of access codes has been facilitated by information systems that track and record various issues regarding the daily operations of the banking industry. For instance, individuals accessing computers are monitored by a system that indicates their time of access, the type of information they were accessing, and the reason as to why they were accessing this information. Hence, this management information system leads to responsibility and protection of customer information, because whoever tempers with information is dealt with accordingly. Moreover, employees are required to access only information that relates to their line of duty. Another manner in which banks are responding to efficient information management is through video monitoring. Whereby, in this manner of information policy, employees are monitored by a well-protected computer video recording system, which records the various employees and their locations as well as time. In this case, access to information on various systems is traced back quickly. Recommendations According to Thomas Friedman, there should be a balance between spiritual worthiness and the role model, which involves the olive tree and the Lexus (Friedman 512). Therefore, banks should ensure that as much as they are responding to the changing environment, they should also adopt an approach that is of social concern and ultimately, of a Godly value. Therefore, it is in the due course of responding to this ethical challenges that banks are expected to restructure their strategies in a manner that ensures that they obtain credibility with their major stakeholders, who need high return on investments, and customers who expect good services from the financial institutions. How responsive are specific banks to management restructuring? This question is well calculated owing to the impetus to discover the way forward in cases when unethical practices are observed. For instance, in most banks, like many other organizations, it is the role of the top management to foresee the process of decision-making and policy implementation in the banking industry. However, even though other employees down the line are given an opportunity to provide recommendations regarding the best course of action, their information could only be accepted or rejected based on the manner in which the tactical manager sees these recommendations. Thus, the decision-making process in the current globalized society has been, in the words of Friedman, democratized (Friedman 109). This means that most of the practices within the banking sector only reflect the perspective of the managers per se. in which case, managers have an obligation to deliver results based on the stakeholders interests as well as their interests. In addition, this might crowd off their judgments because, they might decide to use all means necessary to achieve results without bearing in mind the end result of the means in use. Moreover, employees are governed by their contractual agreement to foster the banks missions and objectives. Nevertheless, as they engender to achieve this contractual responsibility, unethical practices may ensue as mentioned above. Thus, there is need to re-evaluate their behaviors in order to recognize that no matter how much one would wish to retain his/her job, God exists, and that He requires that all actions be of value to socie ty and of value to the greater good. There are better ways of addressing issues of unethical standard that are more appealing even though risky. For instance, in the case of interest rates disclosure, individual employees in the banking sector could be required to offer their recommended interest computation strategies that do not reflect unethical practices. These recommendations could include having interests lowered but increasing penalties on defaulters, increasing interest rates and lowering processing fees, offering preferential services to high-end customers as well as ensuring that the standard customers are also given dignified services. Sometimes, issues of serving standard customers are delayed compared to those of premium customers. This level of discrimination should be reduced because it counters the whole aspect of human rights and fair treatment. The Impact of Information and Interest Rate Disclosure to the Business World Ethics plays a crucial role in our society today, not because of the immediate feeling that individuals feel after experiencing ethical practices, but because of the ultimate role, ethics plays in the society. Besides, the banking industry plays a significant role in ensuring that business practices prosper in line with the advancement in technology. Thus, it is within the banking sector that businesses derive their standard of operations. Hence, unethical practices resulting from banks signify negative role modeling. Stable business can never operate without having access to banks. In return, these banks receive important information that relates to the operations of the businesses concerned. Therefore, the information received should be kept secure and only disclosed to the government in cases when there is need for investigations as to the business practices as the government deems necessary. Furthermore, information relating to the various charges the banks make on individuals are co-operations, the disclosure of such information is important for business planning and cost estimation. Therefore, it is important that this information be readily available so that other businesses may thrive in the global economy.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Macbeth essay :: essays research papers

Macbeth is one of the most gruesome plays ever in the history of theater and play writing. Throughout the play, there were various acts or quotes that gave example of the dark and bloody theme of the play. One of the many themes of this play, is fair is foul, foul is fair. This theme shows how foul play and evil helps the characters succeed in their lives. Many times, this foul play gets the characters into trouble. The theme fair is foul, foul is fair is a great theme to express the feeling and tone set in this play   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the play begins, three witches are gathered together chanting fair is foul, foul is fair. Right in the beginning the mood is set in a gloomy tone. A bloody man then came in to report that Macbeth and Banquo had fought. For Macbeth’s bravery, Duncan made Macbeth thane of Cawdor. This is a good thing because it gave Macbeth more power. The bad part is that later Macbeth will kill Duncan to become king. Not to long after, Macbeth looks at the weather and says, â€Å"So foul and fair a day I have not seen.† This refers to the gloomy weather that has come over, which also helps in setting the tone. In the play, Macbeth also mentions, â€Å"If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me without my stir.† This basically means that if Macbeth is crowned as king, he will not have a problem with that, but he is not going to go out of his way to become the king. Lady Macbeth had a few things to do or say, which incorporated into the theme fair is foul, foul is fair. Lady Macbeth is a woman, but is meaner, and fiercer than a man. She also casts spells to make herself even more evil and manly. This phase slowly declines as the play goes on, and she becomes more and more afraid of what she has done. Also, Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to look like an innocent flower, but be serpent under it. This is a great example of fair is foul, foul is fair. She is basically telling Macbeth to look kind and innocent, but to act out his evil that is deep down inside of him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Death is also an object used to fit into this theme in various parts of the play.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Indian Judiciary System Essay

In a political system based on constitutional Government , the functions of rule making, rule enforcement and rule interpretation are separated into the three institutions of the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. A judiciary that is independent of and acting as a check on arbitrary exercise of legislative and executive power is an essential feature of a constitutional itself means. In a federal system, the judiciary also serves as a tribunal for the final determination of disputes between the union and its constituent units. Given the tremendous importance of the role and functions of the Supreme Court & High Courts, various measures have been adopted to ensure the independence of the judiciary. The judiciary in India is paradoxical institution. On the one hand courts are extraordinarily powerful on the other, its working seems manipulated by the executive. Through a creative interpretation of the constitution, courts have not only exercised their power of judicial review but also have to managed to place the limits on the power of parliament to amend the constitution. There are 20 million case pending in Indian courts, of which 3.2 million are in the High Courts. The entire judicature has been divided into three tiers. At the top there is a Supreme court (apex), below it is the High Court and the lowest rank is occupied by session’s court. The supreme Court is the highest court of law. The constitution says that the law declared by the supreme court shall be binding on all small courts within the territory of India(Art. 141). Below the Supreme Court, are the High Courts located in the states. Under each High Court there are District Sessions Courts. Subordinate Courts and Courts of Minor Jurisdiction called Small cause courts. Given the importance of the judiciary in a federal system resting on limited government , The Supreme Court was designed to make it the final authority in the interpretation of the constitution . While framing the judicial provisions, the constituent assembly gave a great deal of attention of the courts, the power of the supreme court and the issue of judicial review. The Constitution makes sure that the Supreme Court is independent as much as possible. Eligibility -The person must be a citizen of India -Judge of a High Court or of two or more such Courts in succession for at least five years, or -An Advocate of a High Court or of two or more such Courts in succession for at least ten years, or -The person must be, in the opinion of the President, a distinguished jurist. -A Judge of a High Court or retired Judge of the Supreme Court or High Courts may be appointed as an ad-hoc Judge of the Supreme Court. Appointment: Though the President has the appointing authority with the advice of his Council of ministers the appointment of the Supreme Court Judge has been lifted from the realm of pure politics by requiring the President to consult the Chief Justice of India in the matter. Salary: The salary and allowances of a judge cannot be reduced after appointment.the salaraies of the judges are fixed by the constitution and providing that though the allowances,leave and pension may be determined by law made by the Parliament,these shall not be varied to the disadvantage of a judge during his term of office except may be during a ‘financial emergency’.the adminstrative expenses of the Supreme Court,the salaries and allowances of the Judges and staff of the Supreme Court shall not be subjected to vote in Parliament and would be charged on the ‘Consolidated Fund of India’. Contempt of court: The Constituion allows the Supreme Court to punish anyone for contempt of any law court in India,under Articles 129 and 142. The Supreme Court perforemed an unprecedneted action when it directed a sitting minister of the state of Maharashtra,Swaroop singh Naik,to be jailed for one month incharge of contempt of court on 12 May 2006.This was the first time a serving minister was ever jailed.He was sentenced for allowing an illegal saw mill to run in a forest in Vidarbha near Tadoba santuary when he wa the Maharashtra forest minister.The court had directed in 1997 to the state ministers to not renew the licenses of sawmills in the forest areas. Violation of Laws: The Supeme Court has the right to invalidate any law made by the Parliament if it violates the â€Å"Basic Stucture† of the constituion or if it violates any of the fundamental rights of the citizens. On 24th April,1973 the Supreme Court in the ‘Kesavananda Bharti v/s The state of Kerela’ case responded to the Parliament that although the amendments made were constituional the court still reserved for itself the discretion to reject any constituional amendments passed by Parliament declaring that the amendments cannot change the Basic Structure. Removal: The judge cannot be removed from office before time except by an order of the president passed in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha supported by a majority of the total membership of that house and by a majority of not less than two thirds oh the members present and voting,and presented to the president in the same session for such removal on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity. There were two judges who were removed by this process the first was Justice V.Ramaswami:He was the Punjab and Haryana High Court chief justice of the year 1993 when he was impeached by the Lok Sabha by 196 votes because of his incapacity to do work. The Supreme Court charged him for his failure to do complete justice. The second was that of Justcice Soumitra Sen.He was the Calcutta High Court chief justice,the justice of India K.G Balakrishnanhad recommended him for impeachement to the Parliament because he had misappropriating rs.22.83 lakh than on than on 2009 a three member committee was set up and investigation was staretd and he was found guilty and finally on 17th August 2011 he was impeached by Rajya Sabha. The Supreme Court has original, appellate and advisory jurisdiction. Its exclusive original jurisdiction extends to any dispute between the Government of India and one or more States or between the Government of India and any State or States on one side and one or more States on the other or between two or more States, if and insofar as the dispute involves any question (whether of law or of fact) on which the existence or extent of a legal right depends. In addition, Article 32 of the Constitution gives an extensive original jurisdiction to the Supreme Court in regard to enforcement of Fundamental Rights. It is empowered to issue directions, orders or writs, including writs in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and certiorari to enforce them. The Supreme Court has been conferred with power to direct transfer of any civil or criminal case from one State High Court to another State High Court or from a Court subordinate to another State High Court. The Supreme Court, if satisfied that cases involving the same or substantially the same questions of law are pending before it and one or more High Courts or before two or more High Courts and that such questions are substantial questions of general importance, may withdraw a case or cases pending before the High Court or High Courts and dispose of all such cases itself. Under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, International Commercial Arbitration can also be initiated in the Supreme Court. The appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court can be invoked by a certificate granted by the High Court concerned under Article 132(1), 133(1) or 134 of the Constitution in respect of any judgement, decree or final order of a High Court in both civil and criminal cases, involving substantial questions of law as to the interpretation of the Constitution. Appeals also lie to the Supreme Court in civil matters if the High Court concerned certifies : (a) that the case involves a substantial question of law of general importance, and (b) that, in the opinion of the High Court, the said question needs to be decided by the Supreme Court. In criminal cases, an appeal lies to the Supreme Court if the High Court (a) has on appeal reversed an order of acquittal of an accused person and sentenced him to death or to imprisonment for life or for a period of not less than 10 years, or (b) has withdrawn for trial before itself any case from any Court subordinate to its authority and has in such trial convicted the accused and sentenced him to death or to imprisonment for life or for a period of not less than 10 years, or (c) certified that the case is a fit one for appeal to the Supreme Court. Parliament is authorised to confer on the Supreme Court any further powers to entertain and hear appeals from any judgement, final order or sentence in a criminal proceeding of a High Court. The Supreme Court has also a very wide appellate jurisdiction over all Courts and Tribunals in India in as much as it may, in its discretion, grant special leave to appeal under Article 136 of the Constitution from any judgment, decree, determination, sentence or order in any cause or matter passed or made by any Court or Tribunal in the territory of India. The Supreme Court has special advisory jurisdiction in matters which may specifically be referred to it by the President of India under Article 143 of the Constitution. The supreme court is vested with the power to render advisory opinions on any question of fact or law that may be referred to it by the president. The advisory role of the supreme court is different from orinary jurisdiction in three senses.  ·There is no litigation between two parties  ·The advisory opinion of the court is not binding on the govt.  ·It is not executable as a judgement of the court. The practice of seeking advisory opinion of the supreme court helps the executive as a judgement of the court. It gives a soft opinion to the indian govt. on some politically difficult issues. As in case of Babri Masjid complex and Ayodhya. The govt. decided to refer aspects of the dispute to the supreme court for an opinion. Since there was no legal point at issue, the referral to the supreme court had the potential for politicizing the judiciary instead resolving. Although the proceedings in the Supreme Court arise out of the judgments or orders made by the Subordinate Courts including the High Courts, but of late the Supreme Court has started entertaining matters in which interest of the public at large is involved and the Court can be moved by any individual or group of persons either by filing a Writ Petition at the Filing Counter of the Court or by addressing a letter to Hon’ble the Chief Justice of India highlighting the question of public importance for invoking this jurisdiction. Such concept is popularly known as ‘Public Interest Litigation’ and several matters of public importance have become landmark cases. This concept is unique to the Supreme Court of India only and perhaps no other Court in the world has been exercising this extraordinary jurisdiction. A Writ Petition filed at the Filing Counter is dealt with like any other Writ Petition and processed as such. In case of a letter addressed to Hon’ble the Chief Justice of India the same is dealt with in accordance with the guidelines framed for the purpose. If a petition is received from the jail or in any other criminal matter if the accused is unrepresented then an Advocate is appointed as amicus curiae by the Court to defend and argue the case of the accused. In civil matters also the Court can appoint an Advocate as amicus curiae if it thinks it necessary in case of an unrepresented party; the Court can also appoint amicus curiae in any matter of general public importance or in which the interest of the public at large is involved. As in case of Kasab, A bench of justices Aftab Alam and C K Prasad dismissed 25-year-old Kasab’s plea against his conviction and death sentence confirmed by the Bombay high court, saying he was given free[->0]and fair trial in the case. â€Å"Kasab’s confessional statement was very much voluntary except a very small portion,† the bench held.It also dismissed Kasab’s contention that the trial was not fair because the government did notprovide[->1] him advocate during the time when he was arrested and put on trial. The apex court said the trial court had made repeated attempts o provide Kasab with a lawyer but he had spurned the offer initially and said he did not want to accept Indian lawyers. The judges said that in the totality of facts, evidences and circumstances the court had no option but to impose death sentence on Kasab. The bench also observed that going by the evidence, it was clear that the conspiracy and planning of the 26/11 attack was hatched in Pakistan. The High Court stands at the head of a State’s judicial administration. There are 18 High Courts in the country, three having jurisdiction over more than one State. Among the Union Territories Delhi alone has a High Court of its own. Other six Union Territories come under the jurisdiction of different State High Courts. Each High Court comprises of a Chief Justice and such other Judges as the President may, from time to time, appoint. The Chief Justice of a High Court is appointed by the President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India and the Governor of the State. The procedure for appointing Judges is the same except that the Chief Justice of the High Court concerned is also consulted. They hold office until the age of 62 years and are removable in the same manner as a Judge of the Supreme Court. To be eligible for appointment as a Judge one must be a citizen of India and have held a judicial office in India for ten years or must have practised as an Adovcate of a High Court or two or more such Courts in succession for a similar period. Each High Court has power to issue to any person within its jurisdiction directions, orders, or writs including writs which are in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and certiorari for enforcement of Fundamental Rights and for any other purpose. This power may also be exercised by any High Court exercising jurisdiction in relation to territories within which the cause of action, wholly or in part, arises for exercise of such power, notwithstanding that the seat of such Government or authority or residence of such person is not within those territories. Each High Court has powers of superintendence over all Courts within its jurisdiction. It can call for returns from such Courts, make and issue general rules and prescribe forms to regulate their practice and proceedings and determine the manner and form in which book entries and accounts shall be kept.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

cuckoos nest essays

cuckoo's nest essays Should Hamlet kill himself, kill his uncle or live the rest of his life suffering through massive pain and fear. The quote to be or not to be is Hamlet saying that hes felling pain from his fathers death and his mothers superficial marriage with her husbands brother. When reading this act it fells like Hamlet wants to kill himself because it would be the best way to relieve all the I disagree with Hamlet because I think killing yourself doesnt solve anything. I think Hamlet should go with his first plan and kill his uncle. Maybe get payback at his uncle by killing his father by putting poison in his ear but Hamlet doesnt know that for sure because that ghost could have been the devil and told Hamlet wrong. So maybe he shouldnt go with that plan, well I really dont know what he must do. I really think Hamlet ought to stick it out and get over his fathers death and live his life happy, not wearying too much. I think that his fathers death misleads his philosophy on life more than his mothers unstudied marriage. When that ghost of Hamlets Father came out and talk to him, Hamlet was scared and didnt know what to do. As the ghost spoke to him, he told Hamlet how his father was killed and who killed him, Hamlet right away wanted to kill his uncle. As the day went on Hamlet was scared to kill his uncle cause maybe that ghost was the devil and not the ghost of his father. A person can do whatever they want to do to work at being happy. People do fun things that they like to do. Some people read a book, ride a dirt bike, jog, take a bike ride, anything that makes a individual happy. I ride my dirt bike when Im depressed and sad because its fun and it something that will always make me happy. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Constitutional Amendments essays

Constitutional Amendments essays In America today, we live in a very diverse society. We have people from all types of religions, nationalities, and skin-color. Everyone has their own views and opinions on our nation and its government. Some citizens believe the United States is being run poorly, while others say our government is corrupt. Some people despise the way our government is run, and some just want lower taxes. I used to believe our government was not what it should be, but after researching my natural rights as a citizen of the United States and comparing them to other governments I realized how good I have it in America. This country is whatever its voters want it to be. At this point in time, everyone is considered by our government to be equal to one another. Our Bill of Rights ensures us these rights and gives us a foundation on which to build a great nation. The amendments to the constitution have changed our way of life giving every citizen equality and ensuring justice for all. The Bill of Rights' initial purpose was to protect the rights of the citizens of this country. It continues to protect the citizens, but it also opens the door for improvement in our government. The 4th Amendment protects us from unlawful searches and seizures. You may ask, "How does this affect me" or "Why should I care?" This protects law-abiding citizens from being wrongfully searched and prohibits the use of unlawful evidence to indict someone of a crime. This amendment prohibits law enforcement agencies from searching one's property without a warrant or probable cause. What is "reasonable" when searching someone's personal property? Well, the police can't just force their way into your house whenever they feel like it. They have to respect the rights of citizens and follow certain guidelines before searching another person's property. Law enforcement officials must have probable cause and a s ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Quotes to Help You Celebrate Everyday Life

Quotes to Help You Celebrate Everyday Life You wake up every morning, wondering what the day has in store for you. It could be a fun day full of happy surprises, new friendships, and accomplishment, or it could be a lousy day with the boss yelling at you, your car breaking down, or your cat running off. Some days are good; some not so good. However, life is always good. Albert Einstein said, In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. If you look at life positively, you may find that a hurdle is a stepping stone to success. Instead of making excuses, you find reasons to succeed. Each failure teaches us important lessons in life. Successes and failures are part of life. Recharge your soul with positive thinking. Start your day by affirming that life is good. Quotes that build positive energy are great stress busters. Quotes Helen Keller: So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good.Dan Brookoff: Pain does not have a moral value. Drugs do not have a moral value. Life is good; to be cherished, promoted and supported. We, as physicians, should not be moralizing about pain or its treatments.Euripides: There is just one life for each of us: our own.Boris Pasternak: The great majority of us are required to live a life of constant duplicity. Your health is bound to be affected if, day after day, you say the opposite of what you feel,  if you grovel before what you dislike, and rejoice at what brings you nothing but misfortune.Doug Horton: Life is good when we think its good. Life is bad when we dont think.Samuel Johnson: Almost every man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities which he does not possess  and to gain applause which he cannot keep.Bertrand Russell: The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.Jason Zebehazy : Three things are needed for a good life: good friends, good food, and good song. Winston Churchill: We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.Ann Landers: Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead. That is where your future lies.Steven Coallier: Attack life; its going to kill you anyway.Claude Pepper: Life is like riding a bicycle. You dont fall off unless you plan to stop peddling.Ralph Waldo Emerson: It is not the length of life but the depth of life.Samuel Butler: All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it.Josh Billings: Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.Albert Schweitzer: A great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up.Abraham Lincoln: And in the end, its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years.Isak Dinesen: Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no i mportance whatsoever. Albert Einstein: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.Karl Wallenda: Being on the tightrope is living; everything else is waiting.Buddha: On lifes journey, faith is nourishment, virtuous deeds are a shelter, wisdom is the light by day, and right mindfulness is the protection by night. If a man lives a pure life, nothing can destroy him.Sid Caesar: In between goals is a thing called life that has to be lived and enjoyed.Lou Holtz: Never tell your problems to anyone. 20 percent dont care and the other 80 percent are glad you have them.Dr. Seuss: Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind.Alexander Graham Bell: When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

International law moot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International law moot - Essay Example With respect to Rocky, Ruritania might argue that pursuant to the maxim par in parem non habet jurisdictionem (no state has jurisdiction over another) applies in the case of Rocky who is the son of a diplomat.3 This maxim is reflected in 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations to which both Ruritania and Utopia are parties and thus are equally bound. In particular Article 41 of the 1963 Vienna Convention provides that: Consular officers shall not be liable to arrest or detention pending trial, except in the case of a grave crime and pursuant to a decision by the competent judicial authority.4 Rocky has not been implicated in any crime although there are suspicions that he might have attempted to commit a crime. Therefore the gravity of the crime cannot be established as no crime was committed, only the suspicion that a crime may have been contemplated. Therefore pursuant to Article 41(1) of the 1963 convention, Rocky’s arrest and detention pending trial is unlawful. ... It will also be argued that since, Rocky is a family member of an ambassador diplomatic immunity under the 1963 Convention applies to him.6 Utopia’s Response Utopia’s response will rely on the UN Declaration on Friendly Relations which effectively expands state responsibilities under the UN Charter. In this regard, the relevant part of the UN Declaration on Friendly Relations reads as follows: Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in another State or acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such acts, when the acts referred to in the present paragraph involve a threat or use of force.7 Utopia will therefore argue that Ruritania essentially sponsored or acquiesced in the terrorist activities of the FAI and in essence supported their activities allowing them to launch a terrorist attack on Utopia from Ruritania. In addition, U topia will rely on the exception to the general prohibition against war as found in Article 51 of the UN Charter. Article 51 provides as follows: Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.8

Friday, October 18, 2019

Field trip report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Field trip report - Essay Example The report applies Butler’s destination life-cycle model to the Piney Lake. The site has undergone the first two stages in the life-cycle- exploration and involvement. The tourist destination is heading towards its third stage-that of development. It seems that the Noongar community may take a long time to go through the other stages of tourism life cycle as the inhabitants are so much involved and tied to their indigenous culture and traditions. The current report emphasises the need to formulate comprehensive strategies to keep the Aboriginal culture and traditions of Noongar community intact. Researchers, students and scholars on indigenous tourism need to undertake detailed in-depth studies on the tourist destination to identify the factors that preserve its authenticity and cultural diversity. Governmental policies and interventions on indigenous tourism need to perceive tourism as a cultural phenomenon rather than an economic enterprise. It is imperative for all the stakeholders to identify the dangers of commoditization and commercialization. Above all, measures are to be undertaken to facilitate sustainable models of tourism development on the tourist site. Indigenous tourism in Australia is flourishing day by day as aboriginal owned and operated enterprises have been attracting the attention of tourists. Indigenous tourism paves way for cultural rejuvenation of aboriginals while it also contributes immensely to the economy of the nation. Authenticity lies at the core of indigenous tourism and therefore loss of authenticity due to commoditization and commercialization of indigenous culture deserve primary attention. Contrived cultural products, tourist oriented commercial craftworks, and commercialized tourist services may adversely affect tourists’ quest for authenticity and will negate them of genuine indigenous tourism experiences. Similarly, sustainable models of tourism development are an essential prerequisite for

Future Prospects for the Use of Monoclonal Antibodies Research Paper

Future Prospects for the Use of Monoclonal Antibodies - Research Paper Example Later, Behring suggested that active immunity could be produced in humans by a combination of diphtheria toxin and antitoxin serum (Llewelyn, Hawkins, Russell, 1992). However, it was Paul Ehrlich whose work made it possible to produce antiserum to diphtheria toxin on a mass scale. The side chain theory of toxicity was proposed by Ehrlich, according to which, â€Å"toxins mediated their effects on cells through preformed protein side chains and immunity arose because of overproduction of these side chains† (Llewelyn, Hawkins, Russell, 1992.) Cà ©sar Milstein and Georges Kà ¶hler, in 1975, managed to produce in vitro "custom-built" antibodies. They produced a hybridoma by fusing rodent antibody-producing cells with tumor cells from mice bone marrow. A hybridoma, provided with the correct nutrients, can grow indefinitely and divide to produce monoclonal antibodies (antibodies of a single type), on a large scale (Saldanha, 2000.) Five classes of immunoglobulin (Ig) are found in mammals: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM. In some select mammals, IgG and IgA are further subdivided into subclasses (isotypes) due to polymorphisms in the heavy chain (Lipman et al, 2005). The prototype antibody is IgG, which is a glycoprotein having a molecular weight of 150000 Dalton. The molecule has a Y shaped structure, consisting of two identical heavy chain-light chain heterodimers, that is linked together by a disulfide bridge. While the heavy chain comprises three constant immunoglobulins (Ig) domains and one variable (V) domain, the light chains consist of a single constant Ig domain and a single variable domain. The host defense mechanism is initiated by the antigen binding site (Fab) and the Fc region (fragment crystallizable) site (Llewelyn, Hawkins, Russell, 1992.) In order to effectively bind a wide range of antigens, there are numerous mechanisms which come into play.

Compare one of the two indian captivity narratives, of either mary Essay

Compare one of the two indian captivity narratives, of either mary rowlandson or mary jemison with the film the searchers - Essay Example The story begins when the Jemison was kidnapped from outside her home in Pennsylvania. She did not speak for several days, and the first time she uttered a word, she said â€Å"I want to die† (Jemison 13). After arriving at Fort Duquesne, she again spoke only to tell her captors her name (Jemison 21). However, in the course of her silence, Jemison slowly began to accept the Seneca culture. She began speaking in Seneca language and comforted two sisters who lost their brother in a combat against the English (Jemison 25-6). The two small events started her immersion in the tribe’s culture, and it was even furthered by her marriage to a Delaware member, Sheninjee. She built a family with her spouse, and even before her son Thomas was born, she is almost completely immersed in the Indian-American culture (Jemison 31). She felt contented with her life there, and even when she was widowed, she pursued a second marriage within the tribe, even proclaiming to an escaped slave th at she is â€Å"one of the Indians and she is a Seneca† (Jemison 44).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Computing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computing - Coursework Example An office suite is an application used for editing written documents. Another example is a media player whose function is to play music files. Graphics software also falls under this category and performs the function of image editing. Unicode is an established standard of encoding regulating consistency. It is essential in modem computers to ensure the compatibility of information generated by the computer with others. As opposed to the Unicode, the ASCII supports limited characters. It represents text in computers while the Unicode represents all data encoding. Unicode is only used in computers and ASCII can be used in other devices that use text. John Von Neumann remains one of the notable figures in the development of computer. He is accredited with stochastic computing in 1953, although the system was entirely implemented when advancements in computing were realized. He also developed the Monte Carlo method allowing approximation of problems using random numbers. His simulation algorithm with a biased coin played a crucial role in some number generators in future. Firmware is a common term used to refer to programs that perform certain support functions within a computer. The hard disc, for example, can be said to be firmware for storing information (Evans, 2011). A combination of firmware makes a computer system become functional. The software used in providing updates can also be termed as firmware. There exist a close relationship between firmware and software. In the case of Sunil, information security is an essential aspect of his operations. He needs to secure the information from access by unauthorized persons. This may entail the use of passwords and other encryptions to secure the information contained in the websites. This is essential because he comes under constant threat losing information over the web should someone hack into his system. He needs to have large storage hardware to store

Piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Piece - Essay Example It is the hope of this author that by analyzing composer/performer as well as the piece in question the reader will gain new appreciation work the performer/composer as well as his overall contribution to the field of music. Born December 16, 1770 Ludwig van Beethoven came from something of a musical family. Beethoven’s grandfather Lodewijk van Beethoven was a lifetime musician and was even employed as the court musician in Cologne for a period of time. Likewise Beethoven’s father, Johan worked as a tenor and frequently gave both violin and adolescence as a means of substituting his meager income. As a result of this musical family, it was Johan who gave young Ludwig is very first music lessons. Unfortunately, Johan was a difficult task master; oftentimes forcing the young Beethoven to practice for hours on end. This was not done due to the fact his father was necessarily cruel but rather due to the fact that Johan Beethoven had seen the amazing success that Leopold Moz art had with his son Wolfgang. Hoping to exploit his own son as something of a child prodigy, Beethoven set out on a series of performances at the tender age of seven. One can argue that one of the most formative experiences that Ludwig van Beethoven had was with regards to his times and studying under the tutelage of Joseph Haydn. While in Bonn, Switzerland, Beethoven met Haydn. One of the most fascinating aspects of Beethoven’s musical career was that he did not intend initially on focusing all of his efforts on composition. Rather, he set out master musical theory, the performance of several different instruments, and musical counterpoint. Accordingly, the reader easily see why he was both an accomplished composer as well as a virtuoso musician (Melia 294). This background as both a performer and composer doubtless helped Beethoven to integrate with an understanding of what he was ultimately requesting the musicians do with them all of his compositions. As a means of not o nly understanding the mechanics and theory of the music but also the mechanics playing these instruments, Beethoven was able to integrate on a more personal level with his symphony orchestra as well as the individual musicians who were responsible for relating his concepts and ideas into the mood of the music Once Ludwig began composing and publishing his compositions, Beethoven experienced an astounding level of initial success. This success lasted well up until the year 1809. At this point, Beethoven was suffering from the effects of hearing loss. Due to the fact that a keen sense of hearing was required in order for any composer to incorporate the many different instruments that a Symphony relies upon, his ability to continue to earn money through the composition process was severely reduced (Knapp 291). As with many young prodigies, the latter half of Beethoven’s life was not nearly as bright or promising as the first half. Ultimately, Beethoven became reliant upon the ge nerosity and sponsorship of a range of individuals within various positions of wealth and power within Europe. Although this approach allowed Beethoven to meet his physical needs, the level and extent to which the support be counted upon was highly uncertain. Eventually, Beethoven came to rely on selling the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Compare one of the two indian captivity narratives, of either mary Essay

Compare one of the two indian captivity narratives, of either mary rowlandson or mary jemison with the film the searchers - Essay Example The story begins when the Jemison was kidnapped from outside her home in Pennsylvania. She did not speak for several days, and the first time she uttered a word, she said â€Å"I want to die† (Jemison 13). After arriving at Fort Duquesne, she again spoke only to tell her captors her name (Jemison 21). However, in the course of her silence, Jemison slowly began to accept the Seneca culture. She began speaking in Seneca language and comforted two sisters who lost their brother in a combat against the English (Jemison 25-6). The two small events started her immersion in the tribe’s culture, and it was even furthered by her marriage to a Delaware member, Sheninjee. She built a family with her spouse, and even before her son Thomas was born, she is almost completely immersed in the Indian-American culture (Jemison 31). She felt contented with her life there, and even when she was widowed, she pursued a second marriage within the tribe, even proclaiming to an escaped slave th at she is â€Å"one of the Indians and she is a Seneca† (Jemison 44).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Piece - Essay Example It is the hope of this author that by analyzing composer/performer as well as the piece in question the reader will gain new appreciation work the performer/composer as well as his overall contribution to the field of music. Born December 16, 1770 Ludwig van Beethoven came from something of a musical family. Beethoven’s grandfather Lodewijk van Beethoven was a lifetime musician and was even employed as the court musician in Cologne for a period of time. Likewise Beethoven’s father, Johan worked as a tenor and frequently gave both violin and adolescence as a means of substituting his meager income. As a result of this musical family, it was Johan who gave young Ludwig is very first music lessons. Unfortunately, Johan was a difficult task master; oftentimes forcing the young Beethoven to practice for hours on end. This was not done due to the fact his father was necessarily cruel but rather due to the fact that Johan Beethoven had seen the amazing success that Leopold Moz art had with his son Wolfgang. Hoping to exploit his own son as something of a child prodigy, Beethoven set out on a series of performances at the tender age of seven. One can argue that one of the most formative experiences that Ludwig van Beethoven had was with regards to his times and studying under the tutelage of Joseph Haydn. While in Bonn, Switzerland, Beethoven met Haydn. One of the most fascinating aspects of Beethoven’s musical career was that he did not intend initially on focusing all of his efforts on composition. Rather, he set out master musical theory, the performance of several different instruments, and musical counterpoint. Accordingly, the reader easily see why he was both an accomplished composer as well as a virtuoso musician (Melia 294). This background as both a performer and composer doubtless helped Beethoven to integrate with an understanding of what he was ultimately requesting the musicians do with them all of his compositions. As a means of not o nly understanding the mechanics and theory of the music but also the mechanics playing these instruments, Beethoven was able to integrate on a more personal level with his symphony orchestra as well as the individual musicians who were responsible for relating his concepts and ideas into the mood of the music Once Ludwig began composing and publishing his compositions, Beethoven experienced an astounding level of initial success. This success lasted well up until the year 1809. At this point, Beethoven was suffering from the effects of hearing loss. Due to the fact that a keen sense of hearing was required in order for any composer to incorporate the many different instruments that a Symphony relies upon, his ability to continue to earn money through the composition process was severely reduced (Knapp 291). As with many young prodigies, the latter half of Beethoven’s life was not nearly as bright or promising as the first half. Ultimately, Beethoven became reliant upon the ge nerosity and sponsorship of a range of individuals within various positions of wealth and power within Europe. Although this approach allowed Beethoven to meet his physical needs, the level and extent to which the support be counted upon was highly uncertain. Eventually, Beethoven came to rely on selling the

SCP model Strategy Essay Example for Free

SCP model Strategy Essay Building on the SCP model, Michael Porter developed the highly influential five forces model. Porter’s model identifies five key competitive forces that managers need to consider when analysing the industry environment and formulating strategy: Porter‘s 5 competitive forces model is starting point for strategic analysis that is used for assessing the attractiveness of an industry (Johnson,et al , 2008) and discovering a desirable strategic innovation that improve the industry and company profitability (Wit and Meyer,2005) The threats to new entrants: The threat from new entrants is very high. Entering the electric automotive industry in 2003, Tesla itself faced the challenges of being the new entrant into the market having numerous financial troubles that required high capital investments, building the brand and distributions channels. However, for established manufacturers with considerable economic power to enter this market is relatively low due to their capabilities and governmental program support for developing electric vehicle (Shirouzu, 2011). There is a relatively low barrier to entry due to the higher demand for environmental friendly vehicles and with other outlets for available technology for lithium-ion batteries, it is a level of playing field where any company can replicate (Shirouzu,2011). This is an external threat that Tesla faces because this technology is easy to imitate by competitors. The bargaining power of Buyers Overall bargaining power of buyers is modest. According to Tesla Annual Report (2014), they rely on their relationship with Daimler and Toyota (Brown, 2013). The partnership is very important for Tesla, because supplying these companies constitutes the high share of their profit and thus, they cannot lose them, making their power considerably high. However, they also sell their cars to individual customers, and many government incentives give potential customers tax credit deduction (Ministry of Transportation, 2010). These programs stimulate the demand of electric cars that makes bargaining power low. Threat of Substitution The threat of substitutes is considerably law in automotive industry, because there are only few choices in the substitution of car. One of the  substitutes can be walking or biking that is very inconvenience for long distances. Moreover, mass transportation such as trains, buses, and subways are substitutes that are suitable for local and distant travelling (Dutch, 2008). However, many people prefer to have their own car that is more convenient. The Bargaining Power of Suppliers The power of suppliers is very high due to the fact that company is highly dependent on these suppliers and any problems with components delivering will result in production disruption that negatively reflects on company image. This is due to purchasing components from over 200 suppliers over the world. Despite of building close relationships with main suppliers such as Panasonic (Tesla Motors, 2014), working together on the development of new battery cell and replacing Lotus supplier ‘s chassis with manufacturing by themselves (Tesla Motors, 2014), many suppliers stay single sources of components used in their cars (Harryson and Keller, 2013) The Intensity of Rivalry in the Industry The rivalry in the whole automotive industry is very competitive. However, within electrical vehicle market in which Tesla position itself, the rivalry is modest because of small number of competitors in the face of 18 different current models, the main of which are Nissan Leaf Ford Focus BEV and Chevrolet Volt (, 2014). However, this market is very attractive and expanding fast, therefore more companies, including BMW, Audi and Volkswagen, has entered it recently with their plug-in models (White, 2013). In addition, every company is trying to create their niche, developing many alternatives in term of environmentally friendly cars, including hybrids, small performance turbo diesels and biodiesel cars. Thus, in future, the rivalry will be more intensive and companies will need to keep innovative, improving and making better cars. Brown, N. (2013). Daimler Wants Increased Cooperation With Tesla Motors. [online] CleanTechnical. Available at: [Accessed 6 April. 2014 Harryson, S. and Keller, S. (2014). Tesla Motors Case II: From Technology Start up to Commercialization Vehicle.CIEL. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 April. 2014], (2014). February 2014 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Sales Report Card | Inside EVs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 April. 2014] Ministry of Transportation, (2010). Newsroom : Ontario Paves The Way For Electric Vehicles. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 April. 2014] Tesla Motors, (2014). About Tesla | Tesla Motors. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 April. 2014 Wit, B. and Meyer, R. (2005).Strategy synthesis. 3rd ed. London: Thomson Learning.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Leadership And Motivation Of Organizational Members Commerce Essay

Leadership And Motivation Of Organizational Members Commerce Essay Leadership, the process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important tasks, comes from Steve Jobs and the other managers. Leading is a large part of the management process in Apple, as it builds the commitments and enthusiasm for people to apply their talents to help accomplish plans. Jobs is a visionary leader because he has a clear understanding for the future as well as an understanding of the actions needed to get there successfully. He is able to communicate his vision to all necessary employees, getting them motivated and inspired to pursue his vision in their daily work. In the organization, management uses power to influence their staff. Reward power and legitimate power are used within Apple, and some employees have stated that coercive power has also occurred. Based on research of the leadership within Apple, I believe the organization has a democratic style. They are committed to task and people, getting things done while sharing information, encouraging employ ees to participate in all aspects, and helping others develop their skills and capabilities. The contingency leadership approach Apple Inc. appears to follow is Houses Path-Goal Leadership Theory, which is where the leader clarifies paths through which followers can achieve both task-related and personal goals. Steve Jobs motivates employees to move along these paths, removing barriers along the way and providing appropriate rewards for task accomplishments. The four leadership styles of the path-goal theory stated in the text book that Jobs and other management possess are: Directive leadership- letting subordinates know what is expected; giving directions on what to do and how. Supportive leadership- doing things to make work more pleasant. Achievement-oriented leadership- setting challenging goals; expecting the highest levels of performance. Participative leadership- involving subordinates in decision making. Jobs and other managers use whatever leadership style is necessary for the current situation. Value is added through this leadership approach by contributing things that are missing from the situation or that need strengthening. Motivation is the forces within the individual that accounts for the level, direction, and persistence of effort expended at work. Apple Inc. produces highly motivated individuals who work hard at their job. Managers within the organization, including Steve Jobs, lead through motivation to create conditions where employees constantly feel inspired to work hard. Apples highly motivated workforce is one of the major reasons for their high-performance results. The company is rich in both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards for people whose performance helps accomplish the organizations objectives. Extrinsic rewards are provided by someone else, usually a supervisor or higher-level manager. At Apple, extrinsic rewards have included: additional vacation time, all employees receiving an iPod Shuffle, and in 2007, all full-time employees (21 600 of them) received a complimentary iPhone. Jobs is great at celebrating his teams accomplishments which includes: opening champagne to mark milestones, and educational trips to museums or exhibits. He has taken employees on retreats to expensive resorts and thrown parties at popular locations in the cities Apple operates in. The rewards vary in size from large pay bonuses to verbal praise, and recognition. In contrast, intrinsic rewards occur naturally as a person performs their job. The sources of intrinsic rewards such as feelings of competency, personal development, and self-control are all experienced by the staff at Apple. Employees have described how they enjoy and are motivated by the high calibre of people they work with, and being able to work on the cutting edge of technology. Due to stock option grants, employees who have worked at the company for many years have large amounts of money tied up with Apple. For majority of the staff, this is a key motivator to protect the companys interests. In regards to motivational theories, it does not appear Apple Inc. focuses as much on individual needs as do the content theories of motivation, but more on pursuing task goals as does one of the process theories of motivation and the external environment consequences regarding the reinforcement theory of motivation. The goal-setting theory, which is one of the process theories that applies to the organization, focuses on the motivational properties of task goals. Employees within the organization are highly motivated to accomplish task goals, which give direction to people in their work. The proper setting and management of goals within Apple helps clarify performance expectations in the organization. They provide a foundation for behavioural self-management, which helps motivate employees work performance and job satisfaction. Apple applies to the reinforcement theory of motivation because it focuses on the external environment and the consequences it holds for the individual. The organization mostly applies to the positive reinforcement strategy which strengthens or increases the frequency of desirable behaviour by making a pleasant consequence contingent on it occurrence. Examples of positive reinforcement at Apple include the rewards given by Jobs as mentioned above (opening champagne, vacations, company parties). All employees are motivated to do their best work to accomplish goals because of the rewards they can receive. Apple has also been known to use incentive compensation systems to motivate employees. This includes bonus pay, which provides one-time payments to employees based on the accomplishment of specific performance targets. They also have an employee stock ownership plan as mentioned earlier. An ownership share in ones place of employment links directly with a performance incentive. Employees holding stock options are motivated to work hard to raise the price of the firms stock. Many of Apples employees have to deal with stress on a daily basis, which is the state of tension experienced by individuals facing extraordinary demands, constraints or opportunities. Much of their stress comes from working factors which includes, long working hours, too many demands, the rush of developing the next big product, and the fear of losing their job for those who cannot meet objectives. Stress can also come from personal factors which includes the Type A personality and from non-work factors which include: family events, economics, and personal affairs. Jobs believes in putting a lot of stress on his workers as it acts in a positive way to increase effort, stimulate creativity, and encourage great work; known as constructive stress. The stress employees face can also have negative effects, known as destructive stress, which impairs the performance of an individual. A great example of this was recently, in July of 2009, a man who worked at an iPhone plant in China committed suicide. This was after the worker lost a fourth-generation iPhone prototype that he was responsible for. Employees who deal with Apples new products face great pressure in maintaining a high-level of secrecy over their products. Many of the organizations employees are constantly dealing with the stress of their job and non-work factors; therefore Apple has come up with a few strategies in dealing with stress. The organizations strict role clarification helps reduce job uncertainties, conflicts, and work overloads. Employees assistance programs are offered, which include: financial education seminars, tuition assistance, personal and family counselling, wellness programs, an onsite fitness center, and commuter programs. Areas Where Improvement Could Be Made: At Apple, areas of improvement could be made by eliminating the use of coercive power within the organization. Coercive power is influencing an individual through punishment. Employees have reported that they have coerced to do something through verbal reprimands. This only hurts the organization by making employees not want to work for management out of liking for their job, but out of fear they are going to be punished in some way (pay penalties, termination). In regards to leadership and power, I believe Apple can improve in empowering other people. Empowerment is the process through which managers enable and help other individuals to gain power and have more influence within the company. This would improve the organization by not making it a one genius that leads the company model. It would help relieve Steve Jobss work and when people are empowered to act, they are generally more committed to their task and producing high-quality work. It would show the confidence management has in their employees, and their respect for the talents and creativity they possess. Apple Inc. can improve its motivation of employees by not only following process theories and reinforcement theories of motivation, but also content theories of motivation. Content theories explain the behaviours and attitudes of people at work based on individual needs- the unfulfilled physiological or psychological desires. Having managers and leaders that establish conditions where it is possible for people to satisfy important needs through their work is important, as needs cause tensions that influence attitudes and behaviour. Eliminating obstacles that interfere with the satisfaction of important needs help in improving motivation at Apple. I believe Apple could improve stress management by not putting as many demands on employees, decreasing the amount of work hours a week and not putting stress on workers to increase effort and encourage great work. As it is hard for an organization to limit personal and non-work factors of stress, Apple can improve in reducing the amount of work factors of stress. The organization needs to focus on maintaining constructive stress, but eliminating destructive stress. Detailed Plan of Improvement Content Theories of Motivation Hierarchy of Needs Theory As mentioned in Part D- Leadership and Motivation of the Members of the Organization, Apple Inc. does not focus as much on the individual needs of their employees, which relates to the content theories of motivation, but more on the accomplishment of task goals and the external environment consequences, which relate to the process and reinforcement theories of motivation. This leads to room for improvement in following the content theories of motivation, which explain the behaviours and attitudes of people at work based on individual needs. This would improve the organization because needs are the unfulfilled physiological or psychological desires of an individual, which cause tensions that influence attitudes and behaviour. This is why it is important for managers and leaders to establish conditions where it is possible for employees to satisfy important needs through their work and to also eliminate obstacles that have the potential to interfere with the satisfaction of important n eeds. Fulfilling these individual needs will further help in improving the motivation at Apple. One of the content theories of motivation, the Hierarchy of Needs Theory developed by Abraham Maslow, is a great theory to implement into the organization to improve motivation. This theory states that there are two categories of needs: Lower-order needs- include physiological, safety, and social concerns, and higher-order needs- include esteem and self-actualization concerns. The fulfilment of lower-order needs, which desire social and physical well-being, and higher-orders needs, which desire psychological development and growth, leads to great behaviour and attitudes of people at work. Maslows theory describes two principles explaining the affects of needs on human behaviour. The first is the deficit principle, which states that a satisfied need is not a motivator of behaviour. The second is the progression principle, which states that a need at one level does not become activated until the next lower-level need is already satisfied. The goal of Apple in implementing this theory would be to allow all employees to advance through the hierarchy until they reach the level of self-actualization. At this level, employees begin to be motivated by opportunities of self-fulfillment. If managers within Apple followed this theory, employees would not have deprived needs which result in negative attitudes and behaviours, which in turn affect the organization in many different aspects. There are many different ways managers can use Maslows ideas to better meet the needs of their staff. A detailed plan to implement this theory would first begin by looking at the order of the needs in the hierarchy. The hierarchy of human needs is, from first to last: physiological, safety, social, esteem and lastly self-actualization needs. Below is an example on how Apple can fulfill each of these individual needs. Physiological needs: Providing reasonable work hours, rest and refreshment breaks, and physical comfort when working. Safety needs: Apple already does a good job in providing for some of these needs, such as safe working conditions, base compensation, and benefits. It could still improve in job security, which is eliminating the threat many employees feel of losing their jobs because of their performance. Social needs: Improving the group atmosphere between managers and workers, by having friendly co-workers and pleasant supervisors. Allowing all individuals to feel a sense of belonging is important. This need is important to fulfill within the Apple organization as it has many team-based projects. More social events could help improve the fulfillment of this need. Esteem needs: Apple can fulfill employees esteem needs by giving them more responsibility for important jobs, allowing the opportunity for promotion to a higher job status, and more praise and recognition from Steve Jobs and other managers. Ensuring workers know their contribution helps in reaching the organizations goals and making certain they receive recognition for what they have done results in good self-esteem, leading them to be more productive and effective. Self-actualization needs: As Apple already provides creative and challenging work through the products they develop, and participation in decision making, they could further help in fulfilling this need by allowing more job flexibility and autonomy. Apple should allow employees to feel that they have reached the place they want and by fulfilling the self-actualization need more and more, the individual is suppose to grow stronger. With Apple Inc. being one of the top companies in the world, it is hard to say what they should improve on because of their success, the great individuals they have working for them and their size. This plan to implement the Hierarchy of Needs Theory may benefit the organization but because of the organizations size and the expertise of the individuals that run the company, including Steve Jobs, I am sure they have looked to all aspects of the organization for ways to improve.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Against Proposition 69 and the DNA Fingerprint Act Essay -- DNA Databa

Abstract: California’s Proposition 69 and the DNA Fingerprint Act both expand criminal DNA databases far beyond what is necessary to protect citizens and prosecute violent crime. DNA profiling techniques and databases have developed largely over the last fifteen years, and the recent expansions are only a part of an ongoing trend of ‘function creep’ that characterizes database expansion. Proposition 69 and the DNA Fingerprint Act expand DNA databases originally designed to house DNA samples from violent criminals to include samples from anyone arrested for a felony crime. This is unreasonable because many persons arrested for felonies are ever convicted or even tried, but under these expansions their DNA will be stored in a criminal DNA database alongside convicted rapists, murderers, and other felons. California Proposition 69 and the DNA Fingerprint Act: Considerable Expansions in Criminal DNA Databases Proposition 69, passed last November by voters in California, and the DNA Fingerprint Act, passed recently in Congress, both significantly expand DNA databases designed to house and identify DNA samples from dangerous, violent criminals. These recent expansions are only part are only part of a ‘function creep’ phenomenon that has characterized DNA database expansion since states began keeping DNA profiles on record in the 1990s. Not until recently, however, have the expansions crossed the line between legitimate DNA profiling for law enforcement or forensic purposes and an invasion of privacy. Proposition 69 and the DNA Fingerprint Act do not significantly improve the ability of law enforcement agencies to prosecute violent criminals. Instead, they treat many innocent citizens as criminals, storing their res... ...2048/cgi/content/full/352/26/2669 2Simoncelli, Tania. Steinhardt, Barry. California’s Proposition 69: A dangerous precedent for criminal DNA databases. Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics. [Internet]. [cited 2005 Oct 3]. Available from: 3Rothstein, Mark A. Genetic justice. The New England Journal of Medicine. [Internet]. [cited 2005 Nov 6]. Available from: 4Proposition 69: DNA samples, collection, database, funding, initiative statute. California Secretary of State. [Internet]. [cited 2005 Oct 15]. Available from: Senate reauthorizes violence against women 5 act. Senator Jon Kyl Press Office. [Internet]. [cited 2005 Oct 15]. Available from: http://kyl.senate/gov/record.cfm?id=246925